APRIL 2004

Entreprise, Al: Wiregrass Central.

Entreprise, Al: Wiregrass Central.
I am running out of time so I skip Opp and go straight for the Wiregrass Central in Entreprise. I take 134 which takes me straight to this bridge. This collapse has left captive several industries and the site of their former offices and pseudo enginehouse by US 84.

Entreprise, Al: Wiregrass Central.
A trackmobile is now doing the switching at one of the industries. I am not really sure why since the cars are not going anywhere.

Entreprise, Al: Wiregrass Central.
No other engine is left past the bridge. By another customer, I find another recent G&O acquisition. Is this also a former CSX?

Kelly, AL: Wiregrass Central.
I head for Kelly where the enginehouse and offices have been relocated. I find the old faithful ex NS 2882 and the new 9702.Also in the siding is 2883, 201, and then too far to confirm maybe 3832 and another engine in red.